Call for Papers
ICCL aims at bringing together researchers and practitioners working in logistics to provide them with a platform to share, present, and discuss the latest advances in computational logistics-related topics. The works submitted at this conference cover methodologies and solution approaches for logistics, innovative platforms and applications, modeling and algorithmic procedures for enhancing logistics operations and decision-making, etc.
Authors are kindly invited to submit their contributions in the field of logistics involving operations research and management, decision support, artificial intelligence, and information systems. Practical cases providing insights and real-world experience are encouraged to be submitted.
Submitted papers will be peer-reviewed and provided in the following forms:
Full papers for publication in Springer’s Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS).
Abstracts for presentation only.
The theme of this year's conference is The Future of Transport. Topics of the conference include, among others:
- Public transport and transit data improvements
- Energy grid impact on logistics
- Operations research and management in logistics
- Routing problems
- Emergency logistics
- Reverse logistics
- Crowd logistics
- Freight transportation
- Green supply chain
- Metropolitan/city logistics
- Smart agro-logistics
- Uncertainty modeling in planning and control
- Large-scale optimization in logistics
- Multi-agent systems in logistics
- Self-organizing logistics
- Internet of things in smart logistics
- Artificial intelligence in logistics
- Machine learning applications in supply chain management and logistics
- Last generation ICT networks
- Land and maritime smart logistics
- ICT in logistics
- Computational issues in foreign trade supply chains
- Facility (re-)layout decision problems
- Logistics of health and social care
- Humanitarian logistics
- Artificial intelligence and operations research in sustainable logistics
Important Dates
- March 15, 2023: Submission deadline for proposal special sessions
- March 21, 2023: Notification of acceptance session proposals
- April 30, 2023: Submission deadline full papers (conference proceedings)
- June 01, 2023: Submission deadline (extended) abstracts for presentation only
- June 20 and 21, 2023: Notifications of acceptance (for both full papers and abstracts; extended due to the extension of submissions)
- June 28, 2023: Deadline for submission camera-ready paper