About the Conference
The Conference Series on Computational Logistics
Computational Logistics comprises the planning and implementation of large and complex logistics tasks using computations and advanced decision support systems. It is applied in various areas, such as the flow and storage of goods or services as well as of related information from their source to their destinations. Typically, optimization models and algorithms are developed, verified and applied for planning and executing complex logistics tasks, e.g., for finding the most efficient schedule for the transport of passengers or goods. The models and algorithms are integrated with advanced computer technology to get satisfactory results in an appropriate time frame, even for large-scale problem instances and for providing interactivity, visualization etc., for a better understanding and a better problem solution. Computational Logistics also involves the use of information systems and modern communication and information technology (IT) for the design, planning and control of logistics networks as well as the complex tasks within them.
Our conference series with its 14-year-long history tackles this complex field from different angles and in various areas. For more information on our conference series, please visit the following website.